Lee Valley Regional Park’s
Biodiversity Action Plan 2019 - 2029
The first Lee Valley Biodiversity Action Plan produced in 2000 provided a framework for biodiversity action for the regional park. This document has been reviewed and 2019 - 2029 edition has been produced.
If you would like to get involved in the delivery of this Biodiversity Action Plan, please contact our Conservation Team.
The plan's vision
The overarching vision for the plan is:
To work with partners and communities to conserve, create, restore and enhance the habitats of the Regional Park, providing access to and appreciation of this area.
This vision will be met through four key objectives:
To create, restore and link characteristic ecological, hydrological and landscape features to form a fully integrated river floodplain corridor
To realise the full ecological potential of the Lee Valley Regional Park by maintaining and enhancing the present range of species, habitats and landscape features combined with extensive re-creation and expansion of key habitat types
To achieve a sustainable use of the natural resource
To achieve awareness and understanding of the biodiversity of the Lee Valley Regional Park and to encourage participation in its conservation
Comments and feedback from consultation are available upon request from our Conservation Team.