Doing business with us
Lee Valley Regional Park Authority buys goods, works and services from a range of suppliers within the external market. Contracts vary from small one-off purchases to large works or service contracts. The Authority aims to provide as much information as possible to existing and potential suppliers.
Contact us
Many organisations want to sell their services and supplies to the Authority. The Authority has therefore put together these pages to assist suppliers and contractors who wish to supply Lee Valley Regional Park Authority with goods and services by:
Outlining the rules that the Authority must follow
Alerting companies to opportunities to supply the Authority
Explaining how to tender for the Authority’s business
Explaining what is expected of a potential supplier or contractor when undertaking work for the Authority
Like all local authorities, Lee Valley Regional Park Authority has a duty to secure best value throughout service provision and delivery. The Authority is committed to the principles of best value and whole-life costing, and will seek to contract with suppliers who are most able to demonstrate that same commitment. Identifying the best value provider is a procurement decision and clear, effective procurement processes are therefore central to implementing best value.
The Authority has a corporate Procurement Team responsible for developing the Authority’s procurement strategy, policy, good practice and procedures to drive best value for money procurement. The Authority aims to continuously improve its procurement methods, to enhance value from contracts and to minimise the administration costs of buying.
Procurement Strategy
As the Authority is growing, it is increasingly important for the Authority to develop a clear strategy for how resources are to be selected, acquired and managed. Even where services are currently provided in-house, a range of goods, works and services are procured externally in order to support service provision.
The Authority has nine Strategic Objectives, they are:
Procurement must contribute to the realisation of the Authority’s Vision
Best Value must be obtained
Adopt sustainable procurement into all procurement processes and contracts
All procurement projects must be led by a named individual who is accountable for the delivery of the contract
Partnering will be examined as one of the preferred procurement strategies for all major projects
There must be a successful transition to e-Procurement
Consideration must be given to the impact on the economic wellbeing of the local area of procurement decisions
The maximisation of the purchasing power of the Authority
To reduce the overall cost of purchasing across the Authority