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Landscape projects 


Plans for improving the landscape of the park for wildlife and visitors

Lee Valley Regional Park Authority manages and delivers projects to improve the open spaces of the park for a regional audience.


The list given below has been developed as a working document, which brings a host of project proposals from places such as our Park Development Framework, Biodiversity Action Plan and individual Site Management Plans. These comprise both potential and existing projects.


This project list brings together projects from various existing documents into one list and seeks to obtain a strategic overview of existing and potential projects. This published list provides an on-going opportunity for future ideas and input from key stakeholders and members of the public.


Other objectives of this list are to strategically manage our project delivery ensuring resource is available to take various projects forward and can be planned into relevant timescales. It also provides a method to inform partners, stakeholders and consultees of our plans and potential aspirations.


This list of projects are those that we feel are current priorities and deliverable within the next three to five years. We appreciate there may be other projects that stakeholders and members of the public are aware of within other documents and these may come forward as priorities change, current projects are delivered or if funding becomes available.


We welcome feedback on this list from stakeholders or members of the public and are happy to have an ongoing dialogue to ensure there is support for these projects and to take on board further suggestions and ideas for consideration.


You can see our current projects here:

Projects with funding    Projects pending funding     Projects completed

The list has a version containing a range of more detailed information which can be accessed here 


Comments or future project proposals can be emailed to

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