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Officer remuneration

The table below provides information about the remuneration of the Chief Executive and other members of the Senior Management Team. All managerial staff are subject to annual performance appraisal, and progression in the salary band only happens if satisfactory performance is evidenced.

Salary band 2023/24
Car allowance 2023/24
Corporate Director
£91,106 - £113,369
Deputy Chief Executive
£127,936 - £147,991
Chief Executive
£157,648 - £182,433

Senior Officers were awarded a 2.5% pay award covering 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 in line with the national pay award as agreed by the National Joint Council (NJC).

View our Senior Management Team structure and read their biographies here.

Other benefits

Members of the Senior Management Team are entitled to an annual payment as stated above to cover the cost of maintaining a car for business use. This benefit is taxable.


Members of the Senior Management Team are also entitled (in line with all Authority employees) to the following benefit:

  • Annual Basic Health Screening (additional Health Screening tests can be purchased by the individual if they so require).


The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) covers Authority employees. The LGPS is a contributory scheme; employees are placed in contributory bands depending on their level of pay. Members of the Senior Management Team contribute between 9.9% and 11.4% of their salary towards their pension.


Employee pension contributions attract Income Tax relief, as contributions are deducted from pay before Income Tax liability is calculated. The Authority makes employers’ contributions to the LGPS. The amount which is paid varies depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the scheme are adequately funded, this amount is set independently by the fund’s actuary. The current rate is 13.8%.


The LGPS since 2014 is a career average scheme. This means that benefits will be worked out using actual pay each scheme year. The pension is taxable but any retiring allowance (lump sum) is tax-free. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.  Further information about the scheme can be found on their the LGPS website

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