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Selling guide


The Authority has to comply with certain rules and regulations when buying Goods and Services, which include EU directives on public procurement.


UK Directives on Public Procurement

Contracts valued at £189,330 or more for goods and services, and £4,733,252 or more for works, have to be advertised on the Find a Tender Service (FTS). The advertisements have time limits and have procedures to follow.


Financial Limits for the Authority’s transactions

In addition to the UK Directives, the Authority has its own Financial Regulations, to which all budget holders must adhere:

  • Goods and Services up to £1,000 can be commissioned on the basis of one quote, subject to the good(s)/service being of a one-off nature and in the opinion of the officer concerned represents good value for the Authority

  • Goods and Services from £1,000 to £10,000 can be commissioned on the basis of two competitive quotes. Quotations must be obtained and documented by a Director and consideration must be given to value for money and delivery capability before an order is placed

  • Goods and Services from £10,000 to £25,000 can be commissioned on the basis of three competitive quotes. Quotations must be obtained and documented by a Director and consideration must be given to value for money and delivery capability before an order is placed

  • Goods and Services from £25,000 to FTS Threshold must be advertised either within a portal website created for contract advertising or an appropriate specialist journal

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